Stephen J. Abraham    MS, LIMHP, CGP 
Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner
Nationally Certified Group Psychotherapist
Fellow, International Psychotherapy Institute of Washington DC

Training & Supervision

As a psychotherapist, just as the patient grows so must I.

Our graduate school training was just the beginning. For myself, I practiced with a full client load for many years after graduate school, before I realized it wasn’t enough. I was not prepared for the realities of the problems brought before me. Frighteningly, some issues were terribly familiar to ones I hadn't yet worked out for myself. For me, it took some years before I recognized I needed to feel more prepared and competent. Subsequently, I've added a great deal of training and supervision to my own repertoire. I would like to offer my many years of skill development, technique, and expertise to those in the healing community who would also like to feel more prepared, proficient, competent; to be just as capable as anyone in our community to handle the wonderful experience of helping patients make sense of their inner world. 

Individual supervision and training:

I reserve a portion of my practice to sit with therapists who would like to learn a psychodynamic approach to psychotherapy. In supervision we would go over challenging cases in an attempt to enter your patient's world together. We would take in their anxiety and offer an interpretation that helps them make sense of it. We would, if it were your need, use selected readings to help us deepen an idea or concept of technique or of the mind.

Friday Study Group

The Friday Morning Study Group meets bimonthly or every other Friday from 8:45 to 10:45. We shift for holidays and vacations.

The Group is designed to learn in Community. A think tank, if you will, creates an atmosphere of the here and now experience of the dynamic didactics of psychoanalysis. We learn concepts and theory, sharing the writings of Wilfred Bion, Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, Neville Symington, David & Jill Scharff, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, among many others. We create an intimate group environment, which helps us to feel our way through not just the complex ideas of the many great thinkers, but their link to the intimate yet convoluted issues of our patient’s (and our own) everyday worlds.

We also study supervisory skills, ethics, training, and group leadership within the analytic and experiential base.

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